Interview with Bob, the Jagex Cat

One day as I strolled through Taverly, I came across Bob, the Jagex Cat. I decided to interview him for the Villager. Unfortunately as I realized later, I had no Amulet of Catspeak on, so this may be hard to understand if you don't speak cat.

Me: So Bob, what do you do on your travels about Runescape?

Bob: Meow.

Me: Huh? What was that? Oh, never mind. Next question. So are you just the cat of Jagex or are you a member?

Bob: Meow?

Me: You can't answer? Wait... are you really Bob?

Bob: Meow!

Me: You're not Bob! You're an imposter! I'll show you for staining the name of Bob! *shoots poisoned rune arrow at Bob*

Bob: *THUNK!*

(Two player mods walk by)

P-Mod 1: Hey, he killed Bob! Let's get him! *Takes out Dragon mace, runs up to me, and starts whacking me*

Me: Ow! That hurts! So sharp! Ow! Shouldn't you be using duller things just to knock me out or something?!

P-Mod 2: I think he's right. We should actually be using the Report Abuse Button. *Raises a remote with a big red button on it*

P-Mod 1: *Stops whacking me* I think you're right. *Takes Report Abuse Button and throws it at me*

And now, here I am, 6 months later and finally recovered. Don't worry, I didn't kill Bob. He went to the kitty hospital and got better! Now I have a score to settle with those player mods. Join me next time when interview a bystander of my next meeting with those mods. Muhahaha!

Note: No JaGEX cats, Player Mods, noobish interviewers, or Report Abuse Buttons were harmed in the making of this interview.

Written By: Topsummoner
Edited By: Knil
Coded By: Hoof Noob