Toku's Easy Guide To Get Your Computer In Healthy Runescape-able Condition - Part 2

Once again I am here writing an article, but this time I have no clue why. Oh wait, it's because I just owned 6 people at the Dueling Arena and they claimed they lost because they were lagging. I really don’t want to believe that, so I wrote an article that will make those words (lagging, in particular) obsolete. Next time someone tells you that they lost because you are truly better, ask them if they used this guide. In this month’s article I have put several guides on how to improve PC performance, and then other to increase internet speed. Not only will this help you play Runescape, it will keep your computer running smoothly, possibly even smoother than when you first bought it! If you need any help with this guide then, you may PM me with questions. You may also PM me if you wish to know other ways to increase computer speed.

Turn Off Virtual Memory

Requirements - 1+ Gigabyte of RAM
Dificulty - Moderate/Advanced

Virtual Memory can be a good technology, or it can really suck. It just depends on how much RAM your computer has. Virtual Memory is a feature that makes your Hard Drive "emulate" RAM. Your Hard Drive is not as good or as fast as regular memory. That is the exact reason we have dedicated RAM, instead of your Hard Drive doing all the work. Not only does Virtual Memory slow down your computer, it can also take up a lot of your Hard Drive space. Dell sent me my computer with 1.5-3 Gigabyteabytes of space for virtual memory that I could have used elsewhere. The problem is that most computers come with Virtual Memory turned on by default, even if it is not necessarily the best set up for your computer. If you have 1 Gigabyte of RAM or more, then follow the steps below. If you have anything lower than 1 Gigabyte, then I strongly suggest you suggest you skip this. If you turn Virtual Memory off with out having 1 Gigabyte or more, you may run into error messages, but it will not destroy your computer.
  1. Right click on My Computer and click on properties.
  2. Click on the "Advanced" tab.
  3. Click on the "Settings" button under Performance.
  4. There will now be a new menu with 3 different tabs to choose from. Click on the "Advanced" tab once again.
  5. You will now see at the bottom of the Advanced page a "Virtual memory" section. Click on the Change button.
  6. There will now be another window up called Virtual Memory. Click on the "No paging file" button and click "Set".
  7. Press OK. You may now click on the Change button again just to make sure it’s turned off.
Here is a picture that may help you, since this one is a little harder than others.

Click Here

Turn Off Certain Start Up Programs To Increase Start Up Time

Requirements - None
Difficulty - Easy

I had an old computer that took ten minutes to turn on. No joke. With this procedure I reduced that time by half. The problem is that Yahoo Instant Messenger, AIM, Norton, Steam, MSN, Net Waiting and many more programs were all trying to turn on while my computer was starting up. There is no reason for all of those to turn on at start up because I will never be able to use all of those programs at once. It would be way faster for me to turn them on manually after my computer gets the Hard Drive, that happens to sound like an old dog howling, spinning.
  1. Go to your Start Menu and click on "Run".
  2. Type Msconfig and press "okay".
  3. Click on the "Start Up" tab.
  4. Uncheck any programs that you do not want to turn on when your computer starts.
  5. Click Apply
If you accidentally disable something, just start checking each box until it gets fixed. Even if you disable all of the programs, nothing bad will happen.

Lowering Color Quality to Increase Performance

Requirements - None
Difficulty - Very Easy

Lowering your color quality will slightly increase the performance of your computer. If you have a good graphics card then you should be fine with the highest setting. If you have a 65 Megabyte video card or lower, I suggest turning your quality down to increase performance.
  1. Right click anywhere on your Desktop and click Properties.
  2. You will now have a window up called "Display Properties". Click on the "Settings" tab.
  3. You will now see a color quality section. Turn it down to the lowest quality. Experiment, and if you don't like it you can easily turn it up again.
Using a Program to Boost Pc Performance

Requirements - Money, if you want to use a program longer than the trial license
Difficulty - Very Easy

Programs are great for people who barely know how to operate a mouse. The program will do *almost* everything I have taught you to do. The problem is it is a shortcut, and when the trial runs out you will never be able to get your old settings back, unless you read my guide. I would only use a program if you plan on buying a license. All of my links will be to Right now is a trusted site, but always use caution when clicking on an external link.
  1. Download the program from the link below. Follow the instructions that come with the program.
Click Here

Using a Program to Boost Internet Speed

Requirements - Internet Connection
Difficulty - Moderate/Advanced
Other Notes - It lets you save a back up of your registry before using the program. Take their advice and do it.

I do not know a whole lot about this program, all I know is that it works. Download it from the link below, but always use caution when clicking on an external link. Follow the instructions on the website.

Click Here

Check in next month’s Villager for another guide on how to improve your Personal Computer’s performance.

Written By: Tokuman
Edited By: TheAmericanIdiot
Coded By: Whydidijoin