Goals: Tips & Suggestions


Friend: I am going to get level 99 woodcutting and a blue party hat by cutting yew trees everyday. 39 more levels to go...
You: Nice. =]
Friend: What are your goals? =p
You: Well, I hope to get level 99 strength by killing moss giants on Crandor.

I am sure you have had this conversation before with a friend or at least something similar to the one above, a conversation where you and a friend discuss your future plans and goals together. Sadly, most of the time, these plans never take place and a player never reaches their goal. Why though?

One of the many problems is that most players are all talk and no game. They prefer to tell their friends about how they are going to do this, that, and how they'll be so much better so that they may look like somebody with high standards. This is not a bad thing, it is natural of course. A lot of people want to look good in front of their friends and I am not talking about the way you look, but the way you act. Wouldn't it be better if you looked good in front of your friends and actually completed a goal for once? Of course, but how?

Here are some tips and suggestions:
-Work on one goal at a time.
-Make a reasonable vow.
-Stick to your goal!
-Be prepared for the worst!
-Have a clean bank.
-Being nice to those who surround you.
-Have fun.
-Take breaks.

Okay, now I feel I need to explain all of my tips and suggestions just so you know why you ought to follow them.

Work on one goal at a time. - Lets face it, working on a bunch of goals take to long and gets messy. It is like trying to finish your milk with lemonade in reality, they don't mix. Working on more than one thing at a time can be a hassle because you have to think about both one goal and the other goal(s).

Also, working on one goal is alot faster than working on a bunch of goals. One of the many reason people give up on their goals is because it seems like nothing is happening.

Make a reasonable vow. - First of all, a vow is when you put down your foot and say: "I am going to do this!".

Usually, people give up part of the vow. For example: I made a vow which I am still working on and my vow is: "I vow not to take on step out of the area known as Draynor Village until I officially have level 99 woodcutting excluding deaths and random events.".

See, I am give up my chance of exploring temporarily so that I may stay near willow trees to cut them for level 99 woodcutting.

Remember though, a vow should be reasonable. You wouldn't want to vow something impossible or too hard. For example: "A person vows not to ever leave castle wars until level 99 slayer.".

Seriously, how are you going to get level 99 slayer if you are stuck in castle wars?

Be loyal to your words.

Stick to your goal! - Stick with your goal. Do not change it because of an incident that occurs. Changing your goal will eventually become a habit and then your goal will become useless because you are never going to be working on it.

Stick to your goal and plans like glue to paper.

Be prepared for the worst! - Always assume the worst is going to happen. Have extra supplies, extra protection for your computer, money, and an alternative way of working on your goal. For example, if you are going to work on your woodcutting, have spare axes. You are likely going to break your axe or lose the head eventually and you don't want to be spending your time trying to search for one or buy another axe.

Another good example is, you have a goal of level 99 woodcutting and you vowed to stay in Seers Village until level 99 woodcutting, but your membership expires. When you vow, you should exclude membership issues. It is also obvious that you are going to be teleported by a random event so exclude random events. There is also always that chance of dying so exclude deaths too. Don't exclude everything though, only what is an obvious thing you need to exclude in order for your vow to work.

Now, you are prepared for the worst and you are stronger than ever. Nothing can stop you.

Have a clean bank. - Having a clean and organized bank is always a good idea for any situation. You are going to want to keep track of whatever you get from your goal or find whatever you need to work on your goal. Don't waste your time searching or suggesting a search option to Jagex.

Be nice to those who surround you. - You are trying to have fun and other people are trying to have fun too. Don't ruin yours and their fun. It is better to have a cheering crowd that will do you favors rather than a boring crowd that will probably flame you to death.

Have fun. - Remember, this is a game. If you are not having fun, you are defeating the reason of playing the game. If you are not having fun, move on to another thing. Having fun is a priority.

It would be really bad if you quit and finished none of your goals. If you do not like what you are doing, move on because it is better to finish off some goals rather than none while not having fun.

Take breaks - This also goes along with fun. You are going to get bored eventually or hurt in some way. Sitting in front of a computer for a long period of time can be bad for you eyes and hands and can bring up other health issues too. Play 1-2 hours and then get at least a 20 minute break.

Playing too long and doing the same thing can be really boring. Fill in your busy schedule so that you are not constantly doing the same thing and making yourself bored to tears.

Now go out there *points to computer* and set up some goals and plans!

Enjoy the game and good luck with everything.

Written By: rs2-aprzepioski
Edited By: Mraedis (Judge)
Coded By: Gui