The Dwarf's Journey: Part 3

Trolls move quite slowly. Thankfully, they are also quite large and strong, allowing them to carry a lot of things. One of these things was a large supply of water. Trolls don’t need to drink water; they get their minerals from eating rocks. Dwarfs, on the other hand, need to drink a lot of water when traveling long distances. It didn't help matters that this particular dwarf was traveling across the desert with a troll. Luckily, Magic Carpets can carry the weight of a troll, so Kringos didn’t have to walk across the desert slowly.

Two hours after setting off, Kringos and his troll companions arrived in a town full of humans with a river running through it. He had discovered that all of the trolls had a name. The chief was called Tangot, the other male troll was called Granden and his sister was called Gondra.

The people of Lumbridge were generally simple folk, but the guards of the Castle were very well-trained and were taught that trolls were to not allowed anywhere near the Duke. When the three trolls crossed the bridge accompanied by a dwarf, several guards rushed out of the Castle Grounds, wielding their swords. High up in the ramparts, a few archers had pulled an arrow back to their cheek, aiming at the trolls.

HALT!” The highest ranked guard shouted. “You are not allowed any closer.”
Kringos laughed and stepped in front of the guard. He drew his axe and used the handle to knock the guard to his knees.
“I’m not going to strain my neck to talk to you!” He mumbled, “Now get back into the Castle, we are just passing through this town and will only hurt you if you attack us!” The last bit was said loud enough for everyone to hear.
The guard stood up and rubbed his knees. He put his sword away and motioned for the other guards to do the same and return to their stations.
“Off you go then,” The guard said, before returning to the Castle himself.
Kringos looked up at the trolls and shrugged before the four of them continued their journey. They traveled for a few more hours before they decided to make camp for the night in a small field which occupied several cows. Tangot started a fire and the four of them slowly drifted off to sleep.

Kringos woke up an hour later. It was still dark but he could make out the outline of one of the trolls in the distance, standing next to what looked like a goblin. As far as he had been told, trolls and goblins hated each other. He slowly crept towards the two so that he could listen to what they were saying. He noticed a tree by them so he hid behind it.
“Is the plan working?” The goblin asked in the high pitched voice that was common amongst the goblin race.
Kringos could only faintly hear the grunting ‘yes’ from the troll, so he could not work out who it was.
Remember, the dwarf must be brought to the mountains and YOU must let him be captured.” The goblin said, before stalking off into the night. Kringos swiftly moved back to where he was sleeping before the troll returned.
“So, one of the trolls is a traitor…” The dwarf thought to himself, “...but which one?”

Written By: Dr Henry
Edited By: Monk Basher
Coded By: The123king