The123king’s day off

Well. After writing off my beetle yesterday I need to take out my “project” out to work today… of course, I’m not actually working today, instead I’m going to show you around the town commonly known as RuneVillage. Anyway, wait as I open my garage. *types 12345 in the keypad.* Jees… it’s like a vault in here… *jumps into ancient old car* It’s a 1967 Ford mustang. My secret project. *Pulls off in the car*

Anyway, I better show you around the village. Here, where I live is the village residential zone. Most of the active people live in these nice little semi-detached houses in which I live in. the staff, mods and admins live in the nice big detached houses down the road and nearer to town are a few apartment blocks the lesser people live. *Stops at red light.* “hey Goten! Off to work now?” I yell to the guy next to me in the slightly muddy white pick-up. “yeh, me and Xxpk have to work on some comics.” Goten replies as he briefly points to a penguin in the passenger seat.
We pull of at the green light.

Anyway. I better park up and take the tube. I’ll be green today. *pulls into the nearest park and ride.* I guess not many of you know RuneVillage has a subway do you? It’s a small underground train system. We have 2 lines on the RuneVillage underground. The Metro Line for the conventional villager and the StaffLine for employees of the village. I catch the MetroLine to the Picture Palace.

There's a shifty character on the station platform carrying a stick. He somehow looks oddly familiar but i can't quite tell who it is... i can't quite pick out his face through the crowd... oh, i know who it is!
“HIKER! *whistles* ITS THE123KING!!” i shout at the figure. He turns around, beckons me over and i push through the crowd.
“Hiker, just the guy i need to talk to. Sorry about my previous comment about you. I just wanted to know i have a few more bucks for a donation for that ancient coffee machine coming soon.”
“Thats ok king, take it easy though. That accident wasn't nice yesterday.” Hiker replied. “Ok, thanks. I'll take it easy and keep off the drink today.” i said to Hiker. he nodded, turned off and walked into the Distance. Ouch... Distance has quite a hard shop window from what i heard.
I'm hungry, i'll go to that nice pie place down by the station.

“Hey! Toooon! Got any pie?” I asked to the guy at the till.
“Kiiiiing!!! Sure! (Oi! Bartotron! Apple special for king nub!) That’ll be 10 bucks” “Wait a minute… er… hang on… ah! Here we are!” I pass tooon a crusty $10 bill. “Thanks. Come again!” he replied. *Shudders*
Anyway, I better be going to the palace.

So here she is. The Picture Palace. The place of worship for many people and possibly the busiest place in RuneVillage. Its hard not to bump into a familiar face here.
*Walks into a art shop*
“hey ZxC! How’s you?” I asked the till-worker.
“123nub! It’s Nice to see a familiar face. Come in to buy something?” he replied.
“Depends, got anything new?” I requested.
“Sure! I have a watercolour of a banana skin here.” He replied, holding up a canvass.
“Hmmm… nice! How much?” I was intrigued by the detail.
He stated the price, I then bought it and used it as my signature in the local pub.

I stepped out of the shop, clutching the watercolour under my arm. Across the road was a pal of mine. TheAmericanIdiot was stood there playing a great acoustic guitar.
Jaron was stood there admiring the great musical talent.
“He’s surprisingly good isn’t he?” Jaron whispered to me.
“yeh…” I replied. I stood there admiring TAI’s guitar talent before heading down the pub for a pint.

The pub is a large building at the heart of the Village. It’s the permanent home to some people who are quite well known round the village. The Fire Demon is sitting there enjoying a lemon juice and coke. Richboi is over in a corner sipping a tomato juice and beckoning me over.
“King! ‘Bout time you showed up! Your root beer is getting warm.” Richboi says to me.
“Eh, hard day off. Still a bit painful after my argument with a coach yesterday.”
Me and richboi chat for a while. I get through 3 pints of root beer before darting to the little boys room. In there is Shadow7.
“Shadow! Thought you we’re banned?” I asked shadow as he was scrubbing a urinal.
“I am; community service…” he replied.

I step out of the pub and nearly get run over by Dr Henry’s ambulance.
“King! Feeling any better today?” Dr Henry starts examining me.
“Not in public Henry! Thanks for patching me up yesterday.” I replied.
“Sorry… can’t help it. it’s my job. Come in, I’ll buy you a drink…”

4 hours and 12 pints of shandy later, me, Donut Juice, Toa, Monk Basher, Gamestar and Dr Henry stumble out of the pub.
The following conversation and scene is too full of bad language to say so here it is in a nutshell:
Dr Henry wet himself. Monk Basher thusly wet himself laughing. Gamestar stood in the resulting puddle. Toa punched Donut Juice in the face and Donut replied by knocking him out. Dr Henry revived him and Whydidijoin, who happened to be on police duty today, took us all to jail.

“’S’your fault Toa!” Donut Juice yelled.
“cut it out Donut!” I yelled back.
“Both of you, shut up!!!” Gamestar shouted. “It's Dr Henry's fault.”
Glodenox, god save him, bailed us all out.

Anyway, after all that commotion, it turned out to be 10pm. I stumbled to my Mustang.
Sod. Its clamped. I open the door, sit down and fall asleep…

Written By: The123king
Edited By: Th123king…?
Coded By: Donut Juice