Cooks Corner

Cook’s Corner – a place for all you budding young chefs to try cooking your favourite Runescape dishes with ingredients lists and instructions provided.

WARNING! Food preparation involves the use of sharp blades, perhaps even hatchets and either a range or an open fire. Blades are sharp and fire is hot, so make sure you have either an adult or the Wise Old Man to supervise you.

Last month saw all you budding young chefs trying out a recipe for pizza. I say you were all trying it out, but I didn’t get any PM’s. Oh well I will give you another recipe for this month and see if I get any more interest. This month we turn to pastry by making an apple pie.



  • 300g Flour (white plain flour)
  • 100g cold butter, cubed
  • 2 tbsp cold water
  • Pinch salt

  1. Sift flour and salt into a bowl.
  2. Add the butter and rub the fat into the flour, you should get something like breadcrumbs.
  3. Add a little of the water and stir it in with a wooden spoon, making sure that it doesn’t get too wet. Add a small amount and mix until you can bring the dough into a ball and the bowl is clean.
  4. Knead the dough a little, just like you did to the bread dough on a well-floured surface. Do this for around 3 minutes, then bring the dough into a ball and flour the dough, place it into a clean bowl and place in the fridge.

Apple Pie


  • Your pastry (short crust just in-case you wondered)
  • 1 large or 2 small cooking apples (Bramley)
  • 50g sugar


  1. Core all the apples and peel off the skin, cut into 1 cm cubes.
  2. Turn on oven to Gas mark 7.
  3. Take your pastry out of the fridge and separate into thirds.
  4. The first two thirds can be kneaded together and then rolled out flat to line a pie tin, then put in half your sugar, followed by the apples and the rest of the sugar.
  5. Roll out the rest of the pastry into a round.
  6. Wet the edge of the apple filled section with egg before placing the top pastry section on top.
  7. Egg wash all visible pastry.
  8. Place the pie in the oven for 30 minutes or until cooked through and golden brown on top.

Now since this has been in the villager forums for a little while, one of our members (ok then our leader) decided to give this pie making a bash. He adapted the recipe a little to suit his favorite flavors. Unfortunately greed got the better of him and he ate some of it before he could photograph. Students I present to you, Gamestar pie.


Bon Apetite

See you next month!

Written By: Richboi0
Edited By: The123king
Coded By: Gamestar