Kamikaze The Pirate

Well Here is a Little Story about the life and time Of Kamikaze The Pirate Razz.

Well long ago a brave pirate by the name of Captian Kamikaze sailed from island to island in the world of Runescape. He destoryed fleets of ships with his trusty team of friends. This Team consisted of many people such as Willowguy (Pureshalazor) the Archer, Zone Ant (Zone Ant) the Brother of the Captian,Zizi (Zugenmeyer) the Captians Firstmatey,Ent Dragon(Ent Dragon) the Wizard,Kurama_89 (Kurama_89) the Theif,Tokuman (Tokuman) the Warrior,Rarius (Rarius) the Wise man, and Red Sox (bjbsk8er2) the greatest planner ever. With this crew of shipmates and Mateys Kamikaze has desotryed massive amounts of fleets of ships but he is unaware of the danger he will cause in the future. When the friends find them selfs in danger what do they do? They put trust into thier Captian and they overcome the obsticale with not a scratch on them.

Chapter One:The Beginning of the End.

On the night of March 17,2000 Kamikaze readys the crew for a great adventure to the dark deeps of the ocean to find Seymours sunken treasure. While the Crew prepares for the long journey to the deeps of the ocean Kamikaze sneaks off to purchase some weapons when he hears speaking of a sinister villian known as Hiker. "Henner have you gotten the weapons for the raid of the ships looking for the treasure", spoke Hiker then "Yes,I will contact the others to take over the world and control the sea's while they take over the world for us we can get the richest from the ships",spoke Henner. Kami quickly ran to the shop and picked up even more supplies for the fight of a life time but Kami never told Applequest the commanding authority. Kami returned to his ship and told the crew to protect there weapons as it was there life and they set sail. The first night was a rough one as they had to cut the sails because of the major winds. Kami was up all night watching and waiting for the raid of there ship as he knew he might not surive this one.

Well the next morning Kami woke the crew and did not tell them of what he had heard that long night. Rarius had notice that Kami had no sleep and did not say anything but he had offered to keep watch as he had a feeling that there was something wrong and something going to happen. That Night was a Calm night and it was quite peaceful the moon shined brightly and gave of a lumnious glow they didnt get many nice nights as that one. Willow made a nice idea to go swimming and anchor the ship since they didnt have to fix or do anything this wonderful morning. So all the crew jumped into the water and started to fool around when suddenly a crew member disappeared it was Zizi no one could find her they had thought she had started to drown. They all suddenly started swimming down into the depths of the ocean looking when suddenly they saw a figure that seemed like her. When they had gotten to the figure they had notice a ship heading towards them very fast. Suddenly Toku yelled "raiders!" then all at once they swam up and jumped onto the ship and before they knew it Zizi was sleeping in her bed.

On the other ship the Captian was Tooooon with his crew of pie lovers. Now everyone knows there flag by heart it has a pie on it and thier style of fighting is to hide bombs in there pie and throw them over to the other ship. Kurama had a plan to raid there ship and steal there bombs and other valuables but for the plan to work Willow,Rarius, and Ent would have to destract them while kurama grapples over on with a mith grapple. Now that the plan has been set the crew gathers the needed weaponary to fight back. Zone gathered the materials and passed them out but particularly grab the weaker material because he did not want to kill Toooon he wanted to have Toooon as a member of the crew. Well the ship grew nearer and nearer and the crew was ready for the intense fight to begin.

The first blood has been drawn upon Toooon's side Rarius had a direct hit on the man that was abit over weight. Kurama's grapple had attached and he was already half way across the rope. Well by now we had almost killed everyone but Toooon and Kurama was making his way back. Ent realized the rope was about to break and Toooon was aiming at the rope. Kurama was about to make it when Toooon shot his bow.

Chapter 2:The Start of the New Freindship

After Toooon missed the rope Kurama had just enough time to make it before he could aim correctly. With Kurama's cunning instinct he quickly grabed a bow and hit Toooon with a slash of the arrrowstip Toooon had fallen to his feet. Zizi lead us to there holding chambers and found no food,fresh water,or slaves so we offered to take his crew of pie lovers and make them thier own and Toooon a commanding officer on the ship. With the addition of the crew the group set off to find Seymours treasure.

Well after a day of rest the gang were doing the normal duties when a bunch of birds flew over head with notes attached to thier feet. A small peice of parchment fell at Rarius feet and he began to read it when suddenly Kamikaze snatched it from him and began to read and saw it was a note to Applequest trying to get him to releases Henner and Hikers captive criminals. Well without the message being delivered to the right person Apple cannot do anything and now they have a reason to go after Henner and Hiker and stop the domination.

Well after close examination of the sitution the group decides to go after the dangerous raiders alone without any help. Bjb was making a plan on how they might conqour the group but every plan lead to a dead end. Now that Bjb couldnt think without seeing thier ship or having a person give details of the cargo hold or barracks his idea's were useless. Other the other hand Toooon said he might have heard a thing or to about the ship and how the ship was built. So Bjb and Toooon sat down in the dinning room and started to work on the plan accurately as possible.

While the two of them were working the others quickly started to train and improve there skills and the accuracy. Kami had known alot of the ways of ranging and he had learned ancient secerts of Ancient Magik. So he shared his knowledge with the others and quickly they all started to grasp the concepts that Kami had told them. He also gave them a unique weapon of his that he had recorvery from a ancient sea chest at the bottom of the ole' johnson port.

Do you hear Romance?
Written by: Kamikaze
Coded by: Gamestar