Sarah's Big Adventure

The Story was created by the people listed below, ZoneAnt created the idea and we just [ By Posting ] Made a story. No 1 person had more than 3 lines of the story in 1 post. So alot of people posted after each other making a very funny story.

Story By: Zone_Ant, Monk Basher, HawaiiGopher, Juansito, chatmasta, Poison333, Steve-Loser, Lethal Axe, and Carnivo
Proofread By: HawaiiGopher and Monk Basher
Coded By: Majik

There once was a little girl, whose name was Sarah, who had a mother, but never really had the time to talk to her. One random day, Sarah's mother sent Sarah to the General Shop to buy some things so that they would have a nice Christmas, so she did and Sarah had taken 1,000 coins with her but on the way there she was distracted when out of the corner of her eye she saw a King Black Dragon. She then decided to go up to it and pet it.

Obviously, the King Black Dragon didn’t like this. He then did the evil YMCA dance and started shaking his butt. This horrified Sarah but she quickly got the hang of it and joined in. When the King Black Dragon wasn't watching though, she crept into the store and walked up to the shopkeeper, who was talking to an angry gorilla about what the new edition of Barbie 2005 will be like. Of course though Sarah also liked Barbies and joined into the conversation but then Sarah thought that the Teletubies was a better thing to talk about.

Later on she walked out of the shop and met a noob named Zone who begged her for some coins. Sarah hated beggars, so she yelled at Zone very loudly, and called him an Ant. Zone, however didn't like being called an ant so he smacked Sarah with a fish and then went back to fishing trout in the barrels. Sarah was quite amused by this, but nevertheless went to call him an ant again. Zone reacted yet in an absentminded way, and smacked her with a fish again but this time it was a radioactive fish!

Sarah then sprouted two more arms and got the ability to grow her hair with a snap of her fingers. Sarah, being a curious young girl, wanted to try out her newfound powers on some barbers! She kept growing her hair while the barber cut it until she didn’t have any more coins to pay the barber.

She then went fishing to make some money. When she pulled the fishing hook out of the water she got a boot (that she kept), and a casket with 500 coins. Surprisingly though, a seaman that lived in the lake jumped out the water and snatched the coins and casket out of her hands and jumped back into the lake.

Sarah got mad, and jumped into the lake to see if she can get her casket and coins back, so she followed the man and discovered that the reason he was a seaman is because he has a special orb that can give you the power you most desired. Sarah used her hair and the seaman got tangled in it. She then took the orb, and used the magical powers to make herself a master Lumberjack!

Later, she headed back to land and stole a hatchet from the lands of the king and took them to sell them to get more money, but cleverly she kept 2 axes out of the 10. So she started to cut magic logs day and night, day and night, until she had cut 109,898 magic logs. She then took them to Falador and sold then for millions of coins, and she started to rip a lot of people off, and started to be a thief.

That day she picked some man and he found out, so he asked, “Sarah, What are you doing?” obviously Sarah got scared and ran for her life, the man followed her though to a small shack in the woods, where she proceeded to do the evil YMCA dance that she had learned from the King Black Dragon. This attracted the King Black Dragon, and they start doing the evil YMCA dance together.

The man was scared of this so he decided that he should go to town and gather a mob! The mob then traveled to Sarah's hut and they thought she was a witch. They tried to burn her house down, but she luckily had an Escape Door in the back of the house and when she escaped she flew off with the King Black Dragon and a few random men, they saw the sun was getting closer to the earth. This amazed the King Black Dragon and it halted.

Sarah fell off and landed in a field full of cabbages and bruised her knee. She needed to have it kissed so that she would feel better. So she wandered towards a gigantic and dark mansion. As soon as she stepped on the Mansion grounds she was grabbed by a little boy, he had a lot of drool on his face like he was just sleeping.

Sarah looked at the little boy as if he was a dumb little noob. She then started walking away to see what she could steal from the mansion but the little boy grabbed her leg and she couldn’t get him off. So she started to kick the little boy until he was on the floor all bloody and beat up. Awkwardly though the boy looked at her with a really sad face and complained that the narrators were making the story too gory and he carried on dying.

Sarah took pity on the noob, but nonetheless, she picked up his bronze amour. She stepped into the mansion and walked down stairs. She saw a coffin from the top of the stairs. She opened it and she found a mysterious old man! Then she felt a tap on her shoulder. She told around and standing in front of her was a life-size pickle wanting revenge for having been kicked off The Veggie Tales. Poor Sarah had no idea what the pickle was talking about, so she ignored him and decided to go into the coffin with the old man to have a little nap.

But out of nowhere the Magic Monkey hopped into the coffin along with them and told Sarah that he could heal her knee if she did him a big favor, and the monkey told Sarah what to do, and that was to sing some Barney Songs to him while feeding him bananas.

Sarah realized that no human alive could perform this task, so she left the mansion and walked over to her house that she brought with the millions of gps she got for cutting all of the magic logs. When arriving at her new home, Sarah turned on the tv.

She saw on the news that the newest edition to the line-up was Rune Village Live TV. And she watched her favorite tv show on that channel, which was Hikers Campfire. When the show was over, she went to find something to eat. In the kitchen she found the King Black Dragon and the mob from before fighting over a bag of chips. She decided to run through the middle and snatch the bag of chips.

When she ate it all she was hoping that it was a dream and she was at home and not in a rusted home that belonged to her hat before he died.

After escaping all the evil people she went to bed, but suddenly the next morning she woke up and brushed her teeth with cabbage then she quickly disposed of the cabbage and sat on the toilet. She didn't like to use the toilet without some good reading material so she decided to pick up The Noob Prophet. It had news about “Fre Stof Ples, and Cabbage” and everything there was to be a noob (as this was how noobs came to be).

After Sarah had finished her issue number 1111 of the newspaper, she put on her lucky bronze medium helmet, which was complete with paper horns and the cabbage badge of noobdom.

Once putting the shiny helmet, she decided to dance and blow kisses at everyone she sees. She soon became tired of this, however, because it can get quite boring after a while. So, she decided to take a trip to Lumbridge. She attacked one of the nearby goblins and soon ran out of health. While in Lumbridge, she decided to make a visit to Bob's Axes.

There was an old mysterious man staring at her there though, so she decided to kick him. Once kicking him he then cast a spell on her. She did not know what it did until her skin started to turn red and her nose grew like Pinocchio! Her hands started to turn into claws and she felt stronger then ever! From be hind her someone yelled "Omg! Lesser in Lumbridge! rotfl nub!"

This angered her though, so she turned around and charred the level 3 noob in Lumbridge. Sarah has now become "Sarah- Ultra Lesser Demon of Lumbridge!”

She whipped out 10 noobs here, 20 noobs there. They just kept coming (All of them wielding a mighty bronze long sword with a noob shield.)

Sarah kept fighting, but the noobs grew in numbers. They began to jump on top of Sarah the lesser demon. Soon enough she burped a mighty fireball, rivaling that of the King Black Dragon’s! All the noobs caught on fire and ran to tell the King Black Dragon what she did to them.

The King Black Dragon was furious! Nobody was allowed to char noobs except the King Black Dragon! This meant war! So the King Black Dragon rounded up all of the other dragons, and Sarah the lesser demon, rounded up all demons. The rule of all noobs would be decided soon.

But then the monks came out of the mountains, and tried to make peace between the two parties, but, well, demons and monks just don't quite see eye to eye. Not to mention there was some strange guy bashing all the monks. 8D The remaining monks retreated, only to find that the monastery had been taken over by the Knights of Ardrougne!

But nobody cares about knights fighting monks... Sarah and the King Black Dragon both ordered their forces to charge and in doing so left Lumbridge unguarded and so the dragons took over Lumbridge, and built a barricade around the place where one respawns after death, entrapping them before their doom, when they would be teleported to. Well... where they were standing.

However, over in Varrock, something interesting was happening. A rebellion was stirring. Yes, a rebellion of noobs! They were armed in full bronze and ate cabbage to heal. But, deadliest of all, they had all once in there life been a Playboy model in the White House!

The noobs quickly went to work, running as fast as they could to Falador for the uber drop party of the minute. They put on their blue suit and shoes and ran…

They were very happy when they got to Falador, for there were wizards clothing all over the ground! They rushed to pick up the clothing but as a noob was picking up the last wizard's hat the robes caught on fire!

Sarah and the King Black Dragon crashed from the sky, crushing the unlucky noob who took the last hat. The noobs were angry so they went after Sarah and but luckily Sarah was shielded by the King Black Dragon. The noobs ripped apart the King Black Dragon in their attempt to get to Sarah.

So of course after all the other dragons ran away, because if they could tear apart a King Black Dragon, they, too, could be torn apart. So they went soring across the sky and flew away as fast as there little wings could fly...

But after a while Sarah found a nice little weapon called a 'rocket launcher'. She then figures out how to use it, and BOOM! went about 6 demons...

They all went right into the sky and came down so fast that they splattered all over the floor, and some of their blood got on sarah and wierdly though she liked it so she went up to a demon and licked it.

She though that they tasted like a cherry popsicle, once licking the demon alot she goes to get a flamethrower. The demons, being from hell, a hot place, LOVE this and spare her just so she can give them heat.

Sarah figures this out, and RUNS like a bat outta hell to George Bush's BathTub that was filled with blood and puppet strings. She didn't like the bathtub so she ran off to see her grandmother. Not knowing she was George Bush in disguise she gave her lots of oil and she used the oil to use with her flamethrower.

Sarah, being a little girl, was of course really scared and ran from her real grandmother, in fact, who had a disguise that looked like George Bush, who had a disguise that looked like her grandmother on. (Think Pepsi commercial. mmm coke).

Anyways, she still had her flamethrower, so she decides to go the n00bs in Varrock and burn down their ultra-secret bronze medium-making factory which is home to King Spudling, Lord of Cabbages Potatos and Grain(all a noob needs to become a strong healthy choob.)

Now King Spudling ordered all the other Spuds to retreat to the base camp, but Sarah was there, fresh from her victory at the bronze-medium factory, and she still had her flamethrower. All the spuds got baked, and a feast was declared: the Feast of Baked Potatoes. On this day, all eat nothing but baked potatoes, in honor of Sarah.

At least that’s what Sarah thought until later she found out that all of this was a dream, she woke up very sad this was all a dream. Her mother called her and asked her to get some supplies for a very special Christmas. So she went to go buy some things with the 1,000 coins and on the way she met…