Runescape Classic Villager

Welcome to the february edition of the Classic Villager. In this edition we have many articles that have taken some time to produce so we hope you enjoy them all as much as we enjoy writing etc. for you

Well firstly Dr Henry and I would like to thank the manangement for giving us the position of "Village Staff" which we are both over-joyed with and proud to see our work gets noticed. So thank you so much ~
Ozzie Bond and Dr Henry

We wish the best to everyone who was affected from the Tsunami on behalf of the runevillage staff. Please donate what you can to help them, thanks, bond and staff

These people donated on runevillage did you?

Insomniac has been terrific during this month`s article by producing some amazing graphics to help boost this newspaper`s appeal. He has made most of the active staff superheroes and also the main staff picture.He has been fantastic this month and I hope he will continue to do so.