Lean Front – RuneScape’s Newest Popular Bug

On October 8th, a new Runescape bug was found. Many scams were faced, Many deals were made, Many offers were made just to know how to “Lean Front”. This was a huge bug that had a big effect on the Runescape members. I say that many deals, scams, and offerings were made because these Runescape members would pay up to 100k just to learn how to walk this way. This walk is called “Lean Front (Also known as: Invisible Scooter Trick).” The “Lean Front” bug was discovered by a member who was viewing and also leaning on the wall and he was watching a duel at the Al-Kharid Dueling Arena, and some how teleported while leaning. When they he teleported to his designated location, he would see that he would still be in the leaning position and other players saw as well. When this new position was seen, a lot of players decided to do it as well, but some how someone took this new position into a newer level and discovered the hovering lean front position. The hovering lean front bug was a hit. You were able to stay in the leaning position and just hover anywhere you like without animation. Pretty cool right? This is how it worked: The Lean Front Glitch Required One Member Friend:

- First you’d need to know that you’d have to challenge some one.
-Your friend has to wait till you leaned on the wall and duel you.
- Your friend or you have to put “NO MOVEMENT”, on the dueling decision chart.
- As soon as that is checked off, then accept.
- Then you must forfeit and the glitch was complete.



Many people made trains and traveled from Al-Kharid to Gnome Stronghold and many other locations. You may ask how did people get scammed?, Well players would agree that they would either trade Money or Items to learn how to do it, so they would trade and the person who knew the Bug would just take off when he got what he wanted. Why would you want to trade in Money or Items for a Bug that will be Fixed within a few days? . Load of players went around asking players to convince JaGeX not to delete this bug, but it was soon to be deleted weather if anyone liked it or not. But possibilities are that this Bug will be removed since it is a Bug even to start with. Players knew that this bug will be deleted so that’s what made this Bug more popular. The “Lean Front” move was named that way because of a song by Fat Joe called, “Lean Back”. But since this character was leaning front, that’s how it got its names. So R.I.P popular bug.

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By: Zone_Ant
Proofread By: HG
Coded By: Juaninzze