How to Become an Annoying Free to Play Noob in 5 Easy Steps

Ever wonder how to become an annoying Free to Play noob, but you just don't know how? Are you tired of being called an average noob? If you have no dignity then you may just want to take up a carreer in free to play noobing. It is a tough path, but dont give up. Being annoying and stupid is harder than it appears, so here is a 5 step guide to help you become the best free to play noob as possible.

Step 1: Trade with a person at least 100 times before actually putting your items up on the window.

Contrary to popular belief, traders actually prefer you trade with them several hundred times, but remember once the trade window is up you must keep hitting trade. Do this for about an hour and you will get a super discount on your items!

Step 2: You have a level 200 main and everyone else except you is a noob.

This is where we separate the big boys from the wannabes, your main must be at least level 200. You will instantly get respect from everyone when you do this.

Step 3: Add memphus 2k to your friends list.

All noobs must have memphus2k on their friends list; this is a must. You must tell him how awesome he is and ask him for advice about everything you do.

Step 4: Mismatch your clothes. (bonus points for wearing a medium helmet)

This is where it starts to cost a lot to perfect your noobishness. You cannot wear the same colour on any 2 parts of your body. If you can afford a medium helmet then wearing it also will greatly increase your respect in the noob community.

Step 5: End every sentence with the words "omg".

This is where a lot of players give up, but keep going, I believe in you. You must talk to everyone like this.

You now know everything you need to know to become a successful Free to Play noob, and all it costs is your appropriateness, ceremoniousness, civility, conventionality, correctness, courtesy, decorum, dignity, etiquette, fitness, fittingness, formality, good manners, honesty, modesty, propriety, respectability, righteousness, seemliness, and your virtue, which are 20 things we can do without. N0B 4 LIEF (IN TEH N3XT ISSUE I WIL GO ON MORE ABOUT TEH NOB LNGO) By: Dustin Proofread By: Chatmasta Coded By: Chatmasta