Zezima's Effect on RV

I have noticed a lot of strange things in my time but one of the strangest is how respected villagers can act when Zezima is mentioned. I decided to do an experiment and, with the help of Toooon, I made a post in General Discussion including a picture of Zezima farming. He had said hi to me so the picture was perfect. I posted it under the title of ‘This is the most amazing thing to ever happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ and within a few minutes someone had posted, a one word post! ‘Gratz’ is Spam. This is part of the effect that Zezima has on RV.

The next two posts were fine but then a weirdo went off-topic and started talking about the virgin Mary on a grilled cheese sandwich. Then Toooon posted Spam on purpose to start a reaction! I asked for him to do this so don’t worry. The next person posted a few sarcastic words and then things kept continuing in this style for the next few posts. Then N!ghtCrawler posted… saying that the thread was pointless (which it was and I'm glad that someone had enough brains to realize). Even two forum mods posted in there!

The first one was Spam (I wont mention his name) and then the next Mod just laughed at Toooon’s post. *cough*Spam*cough* A few others did the same while some meanies just flamed me (and Zezima?). The next post someone asked if I was farming for shrimp (my pic had shrimp in it) while more had just one word Spam. Some more people went off-topic but I would like to personally thank N!ghtcrawler, darkjes7er, Eyebal and a few other people for not spamming/flaming/ going off-topic!

Well now I think that the results are clear! Zezima has a strange magic that surrounds him and makes people who post about him get flamed and people who post in the topics have a sudden Urge to Spam and Flame and go Off-Topic!! But that is just my opinion.

Written/Researched by: dr henry
With thanks to: Toooon (aka. pie dude!)
Proofread by: Judge
Coded by: Poison333