Shin Megami Tensei
Digital Devil Saga

Game Type: RPG

"In the Junkyard, rival Tribes fight an endless war-vying for supremacy and the right to ascent to Nirvana. Everything begins to change when a blinding light interrupts a skirmish between two Tribes. Serph, leader of the Embryon, awakens after the flash to find that his opponents have been violently slain. In a crater left behind lies a young girl with black hair."

"The People of the Junkyard soon discover the effects of the mysterious light; Tribe members transform into Demons, and feed an insatiable hunger by devouring their enemies. Along with this new "Atma" comes another strong power. Emotion."

"Soon after, the Karma Temple issues a new law: "Devour the other Tribes and bring the black-haired girl to Nirvana." Hostility only grows, as the Tribes renew their efforts with increased hatred and zeal."

"The Embryon struggle to defeat the opposition and protect Sera, the young girl, who may just hold the key to everything..."

In this game, you are separated from the outside world, where you and 5 other tribes are at war with each other to conquer the "Junk Yard."

When you first play the game, you are immediately in the middle of a war with your rival tribe, the VanGuards whose leader is Harley. There is a mysterious object between then, and both sides think it is their enemies object. You are the Embryon.

After a while, something from the sky shoots a beam of light at the black pod in the center, hitting everyone in the Junk Yard with "Karma," which is a form of a Demon which truly shows who you really are.

After the cut scene, you are in you take control of the Leader, Serph. Your companions are Heat, Argilla, Gale, and Cielo.

After you Defeat the Vanguards, you are summoned to go to the Karma Temple, where No Fighting is allowed and where the rules are made.

The Only Rule is: Once A Tribe is defeated, the members of that tribe side with the ruling tribe.

Once there, you are told to defeat all of the other tribes and go to Nirvana, where you can be at peace at last.

The Tribe Names are: Embryon, VanGuards, Maribel, Brutes, Solids, and Wolves.

Tribe Rivals:

Embryon - VanGuards Maribel - Solids Wolves - Brutes

Tribe Descriptions (color is by the color they are in game):

Embryon -

Area: Muladhara Leader: Serph Color: Ornage

The player controls this Tribe, centered in Muladhara. Key Members Include Serph, Gale, Heat, Argilla, and Cielo. Though Small in number, the Embryon has established their turf, and are recognized by the other Tribes.

VanGuards -

Area: Svadhistana Leader: Harley Color: Green

This Tribe is in direct competition with the Embryon. In fact, Harley and the Vanguards were locked in battle with Serph's Tribe when shafts of light erupted from an unidentified object on the battlefield.

Brutes -

Area: Ajna Leader: Varin Omega Color: Blue

Currently the strongest Tribe. The Brutes violently protect the Ajna Sector. Their Leader, Varin Omega, seems to know Serp and Sera. Though the source of his knowledge is unknown, the Embryon may find out soon enough...

Solids -

Area: Anahata Leader: Mick the Slug Color: Yellow

The burly Mick {the Slug} leads this Tribe, which is the third strongest. Anahata, surrounded by a fortress wall, is often referred to as the Solids' Citadel. The wall is impregnable and the reason for the Tribe's longevity.

Maribel -

Area: Manipura Leader: Jinana Color: Red

The Maribel are lead by a strong female warrior named Jinana. Despite constantly being under attack, they have managed to hold Manipura against the Solids. Bat, the Tribe's second in command, is known for his skill with knives.

Wolves -

Area: Vishuddha Leader: Lupa Color: White

Lupa of the Wolves is a strong and proud warrior. The Tribe is currently locked in a heated battle with the Brutes for dominance. Serph and the Embryon may be able to use this to their advantage...

Character Bio's:

Sera -

The Black-haired girl who appeared mysteriously after light swept the Junkyard. She seems to have amnesia, and was not wearing a tag ring when the Embryon found her (Tag Rings are required for identification, and every Tribe member wears one). Her singing can prevent others from changing into demons, and her forgotten memories become increasingly important to Serph and the Embryon... There seems to be a connection between her, the Karma Temple, and Nirvana.


UnKnown! Gotta Wait for DDS 2, Coming Later This Year.

Serph -

The Player's character and leader of the Embryon. His decisive leadership has allowed the Embryon to be recognized as one of the six strongest Tribes, despite their smaller numbers.


A heavenly god who is said to have created the Three Worlds, he unifies the laws of the universe with the laws of Heaven. Depending on the myth, Varna is assigned different affinities such as water, wind, the seasons, medicine, and death. He often appears as a man, but can take the form of a woman or be androgynous (that is spelled right). Seroh's incarnation of Varna is a strong creature that is aligned with the water element.

Heat -

Once a loyal and unquestioning member of the Embryon, heat begins to disagree with Serph once his Atma awakens. As his personality changes, he becomes increasingly prone to violent outbursts. He's constantly frustrated by his inability to control his actions and deep-seated feelings- except when he's alone with Sera.


Although Agni controlled the sun, thunder, and holy fire in the Three Worlds, he was widely known as the god of fire. He was recognized as the brother of Indra, and was also known for his ability to purify. It is said that Agni burns with anger, but also possesses the flame of intelligence. Heat's incarnation of Agni is a hulking two-headed beast aligned with fire.

Argilla -

The Embryon's best sniper, Argilla is reluctant to devour others once her Atma awakens. Although she's conflicted by sadness and uncertainty, she decides to fight in order to protect her comrades and survive to see a world free from war.


The goddess of earth in Aryan mythology. She and Dyaus are considered the mother and father of many other gods. Prithivi gave birth to Ushasu, Agni, and Indra. Argilla's incarnation of Prithivi is a quick and lithe fighter aligned with earth.

Gale -

The Embryon's tactical advisor. He has a talent for detailed calculations and circumstance analysis. Unlike the others, Gale does not feel emotion or yearn for a forgotten past; he obediently follows the law and masterminds the Embryon's ultimate victory.


The god of wind, who gallops through the heavens in a golden carriage, bringing about blessing and destruction. Vayu is also called Vata, Anila, or Gandharva and is considered the father of Hanuman. Gale's incarnation of Vayu is aligned with force (wind).

Cielo -

A member of the Embryon who changes drastically when his Atma awakens. Cielo becomes very happy, easy going person with a friendly personality. He tries to keep the mood light to calm down the more serious party members, like Heat and Argilla. He's misunderstood by the others, but he lets it roll off his back and remains upbeat.


The oldest of the Aryan gods, known as a god of heaven and the father of many gods. Dyaus is also known as Tyr in Norse Mythology, and is associated with the sun. Cielo's incarnation of Dyaus has the power of flight and is aligned with electricity.

If you Love RPG Games, You'll Love this

P.S. Once Digital Devil Saga 2 comes out, I'll have a review on that too!

Written by: Alpr
Proofread by: bill_iop99
Coded by: Poison333